Majority of parents talk to their kids about opioids after seeing
Denial, OH ads

The Ohio Opioid Education Alliance recently announced survey results demonstrating its Denial, OH advertising campaign – which launched just over a year ago to prevent prescription opioid abuse among the next generation – is making a significant impact.

The Denial, OH advertisements are successfully reaching parents and caregivers. The new research shows that a majority of those who have seen the ads are answering the calls to action by talking to their kids about opioids as a result, as well as properly disposing of their leftover pills.

Many Ohio caregivers, however, are still in denial when it comes to prescription opioid abuse. The new study shows that many parents continue to underestimate the threat of opioids to their own families and communities, but attitudes and mindsets are changing.

“We went into this campaign knowing that it takes time and a societal shift to change the mindset of parents from a ‘not my kid’ mentality to acknowledging that opioids are a threat to anyone, anywhere,” said Chad Jester, president of the Nationwide Foundation. “We are encouraged to see that parents are speaking to their kids about opioids after seeing these ads and we hope to sustain our efforts until a majority of parents move out of Denial, OH.”

The survey was completed by independent research firm Fallon Research & Communications Inc. through a series of 1,000 telephone interviews of Ohio residents with at least one child residing in the home. Half of the interviewees resided in central Ohio and the second half in other parts of the state.

Key findings from the study include:

The Denial, OH ads are extremely effective.

  • After seeing the Denial, OH ads, 57% of parents and caregivers report discussing the danger of opioids and prescription painkillers with their children.
  • And 53% of parents and caregivers who have seen the ads say they are more cautious about how they dispose of unused opioids and prescription painkillers.

Parents are still living in Denial, OH.

  • There is widespread agreement that opioid abuse is a problem, but only 8.4% of parents or caregivers surveyed said they were very concerned their children might abuse unused opioids and prescription painkillers in the household.
  • Fewer than 50% of parents surveyed placed enough gravity on the situation to characterize it as a “very big” problem, suggesting only a modest degree of concern.

Ohioans are at a risk of complacency.

  • Despite agreement about the prevalence of the problem, more than 66% of parents and caregivers don’t believe opioids are a very big problem within their local communities, which may result in complacency.

Denial, OH ads are penetrating the market and have a high recall.

  • Nearly 50% of those in central Ohio recalled Denial, OH advertising, and approximately 25% of parents in other parts of the state recalled the advertising campaign.

The survey results clearly demonstrate that the Denial, OH campaign is off to a strong start and beginning to have a significant impact on how parents and caregivers talk to their children about the dangers of prescription drugs and opioids, and in how they safely store and dispose of them. However, the danger and risks of opioids in the home and local communities is still being underestimated, requiring a continued effort to spread the Denial, OH message.

Survey results are available for download and viewing here.

For tips on how to talk with your kids, follow the Ohio Opioid Education Alliance on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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